Your Intuitive Voice
In divorce there are lots of opinions and advice but only one voice reigns supreme if you want to get it right...that of your intuition.
We’re all intuitive, right? Well, yes and no.
Technically...YES, however, (and there’s a BIG however)...we hide from it, run from it, ignore it and bury it. And the truth is that the wider the gap, the more lost we feel.
Hey, it’s not your fault. It’s likely not a language that was spoken in your home of origin, so it’s unfamiliar. Then we scramble through this world driven by productivity, distraction and external noise...and we dull, if not lose our connection altogether.
Here’s the good news: at any given moment, you can choose to find your way back and reestablish a solid relationship with someone you never want to break up with.
What does this have to do with your divorce? Pretty much everything.
Let me step back a moment to say that the joyous satisfaction I feel witnessing mamas come back to their power and their intuitive selves is absolutely indescribable. Accordingly, I have the best job in the world (but I digress)!
Yes, it’s wonderful to experience women transform their lives — to get off the emotional rollercoaster, to make grounded decisions, to show up for their kids, to have divorce wins, etc.
And while each of those are tremendous gains, bar none, the most monumental and lasting is seeing a woman reconnect to her intuition.
I’m talking about clients like Mrinalini, a women's career coach and mother of a 5-year-old, who said, “You two have given me so many gifts, but the greatest gift was learning to trust myself.”
And Barbara, a physician and mother of 1, who was navigating an extremely high-conflict divorce. Through our work together, she broke through her anger, some tough legal roadblocks and is now soaring in the freedom of her new life chapter.
Or Maureen, mother of 3, who runs a wellness business. She was subjected to the strong opinions and pressures of her family and religious community — and has now successfully navigated her divorce and learned how to trust herself. Today, she and her kids are thriving in a new home.
This isn’t all about the divorce and achieving the outcomes you desire — this is about changing your life, breaking old patterns and cycles for you and your kids — and creating new ways of being in the world, far beyond the divorce proceedings.
And it’s about healing.
New chapters.
New love affairs.
New homes.
Happy, settled, well-adjusted kids.
It’s about aliveness and living in alignment with your true inner compass and guide. Divorce is an opportunity to unleash the woman who has been hidden away beneath the obligations and agendas of others. We see this every day.
Will you be next?
I hope so!
— Kristen Noel, Certified Divorce Coach & Founder, Best Self Intuitive Divorce
Schedule a Free Breakthrough Call
Hey momma, do you enjoy success in other areas of your life, but worry about the impact of divorce on you, your kids and your future... and are you ready to do it differently? If so, book a free call to discuss the struggles you're facing, where you'd like to go and a path to get you there.
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