No Time for That Right Now
Divorce is overwhelming for sure, but ignoring your intuition is a big mistake in your divorce process (and life)
When a mama is staring down divorce, she is likely a frazzled mess. As she looks around at her life in pieces, she may be experiencing a gamut of emotions; fear, overwhelm, vulnerability, heartbreak, anger and hurt (repeat).
In the midst of this all she may not know how to get out of it — to make the pain stop, and yet, she is expected to keep it all together...business as unusual. The house needs to run, the kids need to be fed, the workload completed, the laundry folded...oh, and a divorce team assembled.
Self-care? Emotional healing? Breaking cycles and patterns? Where would you like me to fit that one in?
I get it. Truly I do. I once stood exactly where you stand and with some pretty daunting life circumstances to boot. Unfortunately for me, that was a long time ago (18 years) and the world was a very different place. There were no readily available divorce courses, workshops, podcasts...and no one heard of a ‘divorce coach’.
So, I got my PhD in ‘winging’ it. And sure, you could do the same, but why? Why make it harder than it already is?
Looking back, I barely recognize that version of myself. I had little to no understanding of the body, mind, spirit connection or how to harness the power of my intuition. But I do now and I can promise you that’s a one-way street — I’m never turning back.
I learned the hard way through many years of ups and downs and all-arounds that my intuition was my greatest superpower. It is our 6th sense — our divine intelligence and north star, our mama bear instinct — and yet, the world we exist in has done everything to disconnect us from it.
We can choose differently.
No, there is nothing woo woo about intuition. In fact, it is strategic in divorce (and life). How can that be?
[Trigger alert] Because it is likely that your having abandoned your intuition is the reason that you are here in this divorce to begin with.
I know there are many mitigating circumstances that lead to any impasse. As harsh as this may sound, I’m less concerned about what someone else did to you — and more with why you allowed it, where you abandoned yourself and how we can heal it so that it doesn’t continue to repeat itself.
Yes, unhealed wounds will play out on repeat like a broken record if unaddressed.
Here’s the good news: you are one life choice away from reconnecting to your intuition, learning to lean into it and trust it. It hasn’t abandoned you and is right there awaiting you.
This pain you are experiencing is here to teach you. Ask it what it wants you to see.
You might be thinking...and where exactly am I going to squeeze all of this healing and activation into my already over-booked life? Wherever and however you can. Know that baby steps will initiate tremendous momentum.
It is strategic to view your divorce from a 30,000 foot view — one that shines a light on what was right, what went wrong and what doesn’t want to be repeated. When you approach your divorce in this way, you will be able to make grounded and clear decisions for you and your kids. You will be able to rebuild a next chapter that is aligned with your core values and heart.
Emotional healing can feel like work. But you know what’s more work...carrying around unhealed wounds and pain.
—Kristen Noel, Certified Intuitive Divorce Coach | Editor-In-Chief, Best Self Magazine
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Hey momma, do you enjoy success in other areas of your life, but worry about the impact of divorce on you, your kids and your future... and are you ready to do it differently? If so, book a free call to discuss the struggles you're facing, where you'd like to go and a path to get you there.
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